The project envisages such steps to achieve the set goal and to influence the target groups, as well as to disseminate the European experience of doctoral training.
- Development and implementation of an educational course ‘EUROPEAN VALUES AND STANDARDS IN RESEARCH’ (Educational Course for PhD). 3 Academic years, 30 hours each and after the end of the project (on sustainability clause).
- Development and implementation of an educational certificate course ‘RESEARCH METRICS, RESEARCH INTELLIGENCE and RESEARCH EXCELLENCE’ for PhD students and supervisors plus an abbreviated 5 hours version for senior management.
- Autumn school for PhD students ‘SCHOOL OF INNOVATIVE DOCTORAL TRAINING’.
- PhD SUPERVISOR’S ACADEMY. Yearly, a three-day-long academy for PhD supervisors
- The project offers also two venues for discussion and cooperation:
- The annual residential ENTERPRISE SCHOOL for PhD students (designed to instil traits suitable to business route for PhD students) (targets IDTP 5: Exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors and IDTP 3: Interdisciplinary Research Options) and
- an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE dedicated to the project’s cause (targets IDTP 1: Research excellence, IDTP 2: Quality assurance, IDTP 4: International networking and IDTP 6: Transferable skills training).
- The project foresees research (New knowledge and insights on the application of IDTP in a non-European institutional environment) and several lines or topics of it (should result in 1 English-language article in Scopus, 3 – in UA journals).