Iryna SKLIAR serves as senior expert/advisor/researcher and trainer/teacher.

Head of quality assurance, accreditation and licensing office. PhD, Assoc. Prof of the management department at SNAU.

For the last two decades, Iryna has immersed into the quality assurance of higher education being (in reversed succession order) the head of the teaching-learning department, rector's assistant in issues of the implementing of modern technologies and approaches to teaching-learning, an expert in the evaluation of distance modules at faculty of economics and management in Sumy State University, after that two years ago moved to SNAU there she responsible for HE quality assurance.

She is also active in many policy-setting bodies at the national and regional level being a member of the scientific and methodological commission for organizational and methodological support of higher education functioning by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine.

She has participated in various international projects (currently as a team member implement INTERADIS 619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) visiting UK’s, Ireland’s, Lithuanian, Netherlands and other countries HEIs. From 2017 until now she is the facilitator of the program "Active Citizens" founded by the British Council. In 2016 she made an Internship in quality assurance and internationalization of higher education (Ukrainian-polish project "Innovation university and leadership.) at Warsaw University.

Iryna is also both the expert in the accreditation of educational programs and the certified (by British Council) expert trainer at NAQA - National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine), therefore, Iryna is well versed in transferrable skills, professional development skills and teaching excellence can significantly contribute, both to PhD supervisors Academy (co-leading by lead Yevheniia POLISHCHUK) and Autumn school in SNAU. Thus, Iryna SKLIAR complements the project team through the addition of skills training both for PhD students and supervisors.